Corporate Finance

For organizations considering an IPO or a listing, the preparations are complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In an environment where great emphasis is already placed on sound corporate governance, strong internal processes and effective systems and controls, organizations seeking to become public entities are facing increased requirements. Consulting HAUS has supported a number of companies during their IPO journey.

Our services include

IPO/Listing Rationale

Taking your objectives in mind, we will support to ensure that the chosen listing mechanism will help you achieve your objectives.

Defining the equity story

Having a strong equity story makes it easier for investors to invest in you and will support a successful listing. We will help you to define an equity story that will be favorably viewed by the market.

IPO Readiness

We will support you to understand how ready the company is from financial and governance perspectives to meet the demands of being listed. In addition, we will support you to remedy any gaps that are identified.

Business Plan Development

It is essential to have a solid business plan that can be used to support the preparation of the prospectus and will underpin the valuation. Consulting HAUS will help to prepare a robust business plan, backed by market and operational data that investors can trust.

Governance Support

We will ensure that the company has a robust governance structure in place that meets the regulatory requirements. In addition, we provide training and so-sourced services to provide peace of mind that all regulatory compliance is adhered to.